
Solid State Logic 4048 E/G+ with total recall
Atomic Instruments power supply


Barefoot MM27
Genelec subwoofer
Yamaha NS-10
Optimus AV
Tannoy NFM-8

Digital Recording:

Pro Tools 2022 HDX system 32 inputs 40 outputs
– Waves Mercury bundle
– UAD-2 Octo Ultimate
– Autotune, VocAlign, Sound Toys, and tons more
– MacPro 2019

Additional Digital Conversion:

Crane Song HEDD 192 Converters (4)
Apogee Rosetta 800


Steinway B Grand Piano
Hammond M3 Organ (1958)
Hammond Leslie 45 (2 speed)
Rhodes Mark II Seventy Three
Wurlitzer Electric Piano
Moog Sub 37
Kurzweil K2000
Fender Vibro Champ guitar amp
Top Hat Club Deluxe guitar amp
50’s Supro Spectator guitar amp
90’s Danelectro Baritone Electric w/ Jerry Jones Pickups
1966 Hagstrom I Electric
Harmony Fretless Electric Harmony Mandolin
Art & Lutherie Parlor Acoustic
60’s Ludwig Club Date Drum Kit
70’s Slingerland Drum Kit w/ Concert Toms
90’s Yamaha Custom Recording Maple Kick Drum
Ludwig Supraphonic Snare Drum


AEA R88 MkII Stereo Ribbon
AKG 414 B-ULS, Modified by Klaus Heyne
AKG D112
Audio-Technica AT5040
Audix D2 (3)
Audix D4 (2)
Beyerdynamic M201
Chandler Limited Type L
Coles 4038 (2)
Crown PZM
Electro Voice 635a (2)
Microtech Gefell UMT70S
Myburgh M1
Neumann KM100 (2)
Neumann KM84 (2), Modified by Klaus Heyne
Neumann M149 (2) Matched set
Neumann SM69 Fet, Modified by Klaus Heyne
Neumann TLM193
Neumann U87, Modified by Klaus Heyne
Royer 121 (2) Matched set
Sennheiser MKH40 (2)
Sennheiser 421 (3)
Schoeps CMC6 w/MK4 Cardiods (2) Matched set
Shure SM57 (3)

Microphone Preamps:

API 3124 (4 channels)
Avalon M2 (2 channels)
Crane Song Flamingo (2 channels)
Hamptone HJFP2 (2 channels)
McAllister MP2 (2 channels)
Millennia (4 channels)
Vintech X73i (2 channels)
Langevin AM16 (2 channels)
Rupert Neve Designs Shelford Channel Strips (2 channels)
SSL Console Mic Inputs (48 channels)

Compressors & Gates:

Altec 1591A Amplifier/Compressor
Chandler Limited RS660 Limiter Compressor
Crane Song STC-8 Limiter Compressor
dbx 263X (2)
dbx 165
dbx 160
Gates Level Devil
Inovonics Audio Model 220 Level Optimizer
Manley Vari-Mu Stereo Limiter/Compressor
Manley Electro-Optical Leveling Amplifier
UREI 1176 black face (2)

Reverbs, Delays & Equalizers:

Avalon AD2055 Dual Mono Parametric EQ
Tube-Tech PE 1C (2)
Eventide H3000 D/SE Harmonizer
Lexicon 480L w/ remote
Lexicon PCM70
Neumann Mastering PEV EQ’s (2)
Roland SDE 1000
Roland Chorus Echo SRE 555
Roland SRV 330
Summit Dual Program Equalizer


Audio-Technica ATH-M50x
Beyerdynamic DT 660 headphones
Countryman DI
Cloudlifter CL2
Furman HR2 Headphone Stations
Hearback Headphone System
Manley Mono Tube DI
Radial Stereo Active DI
Radial SGI Guitar Transmitter
Rupert Neve Designs RNDI
Sony MDR 7506 headphones
Strymon Ojai Pedal Power

Mobile Rig Rental:

Apogee Symphony MkII w/ 16 preamps ($200/day)
Yamaha HS8 Monitors ($50/day)

Studio and Control Rooms:

Dead Aunt Thelma’s is a Russ Berger Design Group facility. The Control Room with adjoining machine room is 400 square feet and was designed with angled front walls to establish a reflection free zone. The approximate 300 square-foot main studio is joined by 104 and 48 square-foot isolation areas. We also have a lounge and private backyard area for your comfort. Thelma’s is, by far, one of the most comfortable, user-friendly rooms in the Northwest.